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provincie Ústí nad Labem
Děčín, 41201
Loubska 83


Cash Kaartbetaling UTA

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foursquare   google places 4.1

Brandstof Prijs
Unleaded 95 39,38 CZK/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 38,33 CZK/l

De prijzen zijn bij benadering

Martin B.
Google Places© на 27.05.2022

It is clean, it sells gas, it is a gas station. What do you expect?

Matej Kliman
Google Places© на 31.07.2019

Ok place with wonderful view from the cafeteria

Jirka Just
Google Places© на 06.07.2019

I was surprised that there was not regular coffee machine as on other Mol gas station. Instead there is coin coffee machine inside. Restrooms were clean and staff was friendly. Labe river is just next to gas station. Parking is behind building.

Peter Nusing
Google Places© на 23.12.2018


Jan Malkovsky
Google Places© на 05.07.2017

Very rude and would not allow me to use the bathroom facility as a paying customer...i asked if this is a new MOL process and she responded that she is the owner and can do as she pleaseses. I recommended stoping in Hrensko for fuel and food...they are a lot nice there

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